Thursday, July 17, 2008

Creativity - The power of thinking

I'm always thinking about creating.
My future starts when I wake up every morning.
Every day I find something creative to do with my life.
-Miles Davis

Innovation and creativity play a critical role in an organization's success. While many organizations continue to focus on downsizing, rightsizing, reengineering, streamlining, cost-cutting to achieve short-term results, the smart managers are always searching for new ways to create value for their organizations and increasing customer service. In the new land that you need the right culture and mindset for success. So what do you do?

When was the last time, your managers discussed an innovation strategy? What could an innovation strategy look like in your organization? This is a fundamental component of any innovation initiative. So what is stopping you? Times may be tough in the Forest Service, but when the going gets tough…the tough get going!

All of us have days when things just don't seem to go our way, when we face more challenges than usual. An innovation strategy is tough. You can help foster a culture that embraces innovation. So how exactly can you get going when the going is tough? Consider these ideas:

v Think of problems as possibilities for improvement…Since problems are inevitable, you might as well make the most of them. Think of them as opportunities to learn new things and improve. It's often by working through difficult situations that people discover strengths they didn't know they had.

v Remind yourself of recent successes…There is nothing wrong with giving yourself a pat on the back now and then. Don't underestimate the power of what seems like small accomplishments…they are part of your success. Remembering how you solved a problem in the past can help you feel confident, motivated and more creative.

v Remember you are not alone…Talk to your peers and colleagues…you know those trusted friends in your life. Chances are, they have experienced similar problems and can offer a new perspective, idea, useful advice, or even a helping hand.

Isn't it time to bring innovation to life in your organization? Have you planted the seeds of innovation? Have you institutionalised innovation?

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