This article is based on my experience .After living for this much of time , what I have got to know about life is what I am trying to explain in this post.
Life- what it is?? When people say that my life is good, my life is great etc. etc., I tend to think sometimes what makes the life great, what makes the life so interesting? I asked this question to many people and the ans was great. And then when I asked how ? they told just "aisehe". Infact people have developed this habit of saying that I am really enjoying, well It's great to enjoy but what makes your life this enjoyable is what my query is. What's the reason for you enjoyment?,and how far will you be enjoying?? How do you define fun? How does one define enjoyment??
To proceed, I would say that there is nothing called excitement, nor enjoyment nor boring not sadness. These are all the terms invented by some of the minds who just changed the meaning of life and then tried to associate these words with the lives.If a person pretends that he is happy, one assuumes vow man, what life is he having! Vow what life Amitabh Bachan has!
Kash meri bhi life aise hoti, etc. etc. Well, guys if anyone of you thinks like that then certainly you need to read this article.
According to me , life is nothing but the outcome of what one does.As you sow so shall you reap- a famous quote. Well, this defines what will be the outcome but still one question remains, what makes the life interesting?It may be the case that the reason for enjoyment for one person may not be for another one.Like for example, if one is getting the food everday he thinks that he is happy, but if you go to the rich people, they don't beleive happiness lies in having food everday but what they beleive in is having good food ,no tension etc.etc. for their happiness.So in short, Life's happiness is defined separately by one's choice.A person can redefine the word happiness and can have the most wanted happiness.If one redifines the meaning of these words peace, happiness, enjoyment etc then certainly he is there to enjoy (not only in his own definitions but also in other's as well.)
So friends, Life is great if you are satisfied with what you have or what you are getting day by day.
But this does not mean that you should not aim too high and must be satisfied with where you are :P. enjoy!!
itz sumthin which iz juz awesum ..
gr8888 article..
thanks ankit!!
I was just surfing thru various blogs while i came across this article n cud not help posting a comment...
well...i appreciate ur effort of understanding one of life's most difficult ques.-whats d reason of happiness, but i think u still have to go a long way.
Firstly understand who v r. All of us r souls, our body is jst d outer covering of ourselves.
Our body needs comforts bt our soul needs happiness. wen v get materialistic comforts v do gt happy(n dis implies to all of us) but its only temporary, whereas wen v come across hapiness(dats needed by us-souls), v experience everlasting happiness dat nt only brightens our own life bt is also reflected in lives of those around us.
Now d question is how does our soul gets happy.Our soul needs peace,forgiveness,tolerance,patience ,moral values n above all love.
U r absolutely right dat life's al abt our thinking.What v think becomes our action, action becomes our habit n habit shapes our personality n eventually our destiny.But the actual reason for happiness if no different for all of us;its d same-dat requird by our souls, coz our body may b different but on d level of soul v all r d same-children of God.
In d present world scenario v r neglecting d true happiness needed by us-souls in lieu of comforts needed by our body n dats d reason no mater how successful one becomes he/she feels smthng amissed in his/her lyf .I think u must hav by guesd wat that smthing is.....,,yes its d true happiness needed by our soul dat v may nt hav xperiencd.
nyways....hope u got d msg....n keep exploring abt such things...dere r not many who understand life truly n d best
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